Waterfall Tours Costa Rica, Costa Rica Waterfall Tours, Waterfalls of Costa Rica, ATV Tours, Jaco Beach, ATV Tours Jaco Costa Rica, AXR Jaco

Nothing like a refreshing swim in a tropical rainforest in Costa Rica. In the Central Pacific area of Costa Rica we have a bunch of fresh water pools at the foot hills of beautiful waterfalls. We are lucky to be able to discover a few of these gems on our ATV tours. We need at least 3 hours to be able to get to falls big enough to swim in. The longer the tour, better the chance of finding a bigger and better waterfall. With at least 5+ waterfalls on our lists, we can tour over and over again discovering new grounds! 

Catarata de Bijagual” Is one of the tallest waterfall in the country, with tours taking you to the bottom of the fall, or other trails to the top, we can access this waterfall on the top to swim as fresh pools! Perfect to relax on the hot summer day in Jaco. If you’re up for a little hike we can trek down the mountain side for a beautiful view of the waterfall

Reserve your next ATV tour with us at AXR Jaco, recommended at least 3+ hours to get the chance to visit one of these gems! With the largest selection of vehicles to choose from, Jaco’s Tour Agency & Vehicle Rental Source.