If you’re heading down to Costa Rica to try out the local cuisine and dive into the culture, then here are nine tropical fruits you’ll need to try while you’re there.

Noni (Indian Mulberry)

Found in a tree that’s apart of the coffee family, Noni is a strange looking fruit commonly found in Southeast Asia as well as the Caribbean coast. Noni is commonly used in health supplements, as many believe it helps fight cancer. It’s bitter in taste and has a strong scent.

Manzana de Agua (Malay Apple)

While it grows well in Costa Rica, the Malay Apple is native to Malaysia and Australia. It’s a very juicy fruit that’s loved by the locals. Essentially, it’s a sweet, crisp and watery apple.

Jocote (Red Mombin)

A colourful fruit located throughout Mexico and South America, Jocote can be found in farmers markets from August to September. The locals eat it with a pinch of salt to counteract any tartness that’s common. Otherwise, they’re much sweeter and enjoyable while they are ripe.

Granadilla (Sweet Passion Fruit)

Notoriously sweet, Granadilla doesn’t have much of an acidic flavour. It’s a fruit that needs to be peeled so you can get to the pulpy treasures within and is commonly served with breakfast dishes in Costa Rica, while places like Peru serve it with ice cream, yogurt juice. Found in local market places, you can get the best Granadilla during the rainy season.

Mamon Chino (Rambutan)

Popular in Costa Rica, the Mamon Chino is native to Southeast Asia and comes in during the rainy season, peaking around September and October. It’s a very sweet fruit that needs to be peeled in order to reveal the coloured flesh within. It’s also highly affordable.

Guanabana (Sour Sop)

A native fruit that can grow to weigh over five pounds, you can find Guanabana in most local restaurants. While it can be eaten raw, you’ll need a spoon as it’s a little slimy. The texture is the reason the Guanabana fruit is also known as nature’s ice cream. Like the Noni, it’s believed to have cancer-fighting properties.

Pejibaye (Peach Palm Fruit)

A favourite among Costa Rican locals, Pejibaye can’t be eaten raw, so the best way to enjoy this fruit is to boil it in water and oil before peeling it. It’s often served with mayonnaise. It can be found in farmers markets rather than local restaurants.

Cas (Guava)

A small fruit that’s tart and refreshing, Cas is a great ingredient for smoothies. However, it’s too tart and bitter to eat an entire Cas in one sitting. You can purchase them from farmer’s markets and supermarkets, the ideal months being June through October.

Fruta de Pan (Breadfruit)

Native to Southeast Asia, Fruta de Pan flourishes in the tropical environment of Costa Rica. It doesn’t taste like the usual tropical fruit. Instead, it tastes like bread, hence the name. It’s a thicker fruit that isn’t very juicy, but that’s not to say that they don’t taste amazing!

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